Blake’s D3 Experimental Pages

Here’s where you’ll find the list of D3 stuff Blake has been working on.

Quality of Experience Bugs

A visualization of where the QX bug list is at.

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Context Menu

A visualization of what context menu items people use.

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Heatmap (v0.3)

A visualization of where elements are, and some day how much they’re used.

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Newtab Tile Data

A visualization of which newtab tile people click (when they click a newtab tile).

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Release Data

A visualization of which releases people are using.

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LED Board

A way of displaying data as LEDs.

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Random stuff.

Less work-related, but maybe still neat?

DevTools Logo.

An animated version of the DevTools logo.

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An idea I had about buildings rising.

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Some Ingress stats from when I used to play.

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